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Lab number
Field number
Material dated
caribou bone collagen; collagène osseux de caribou
Taxa dated
Rangifer tarandus
on the northern edge of Horton River delta, 2 m asl, coast of Franklin Bay, Northwest Territories
Map sheet
97 C/14
D.A. Morrison
Date submitted
August 8, 0097
Measured Age
430 ± 210
Normalized Age
510 ± 210
δ13C (per mil)
Neoeskimo, Mackenzie Inuit; Néoesquimau
Stratigraphic component
House 20
house 20 interior
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Rangifer tarandus (see also S-2947)
NlRu-1, Iglulualuit: This is a large Neoeskimo site with at least 30 houses along 800 m of coast. Concerning RIDDL-543, D.A. Morrison comments that the dated artifact, an antler tool fragment, is not very diagnostic and is the only object recovered from Le Blanc's (1987) House 12. A small collection made by R.M. Anderson around 1912, as well as material excavated in 1987, do support a late prehistoric date for the site (Morrison, 1990: 107), thus making this date perfectly acceptable.

