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Lab number
Material dated
bone collagen; collagène osseux de mammouth
Taxa dated
cf. Mammuthus sp. femur (id. by C.R. Harington)
right bank of Old Crow River, Locality CRH-14N, 267 m asl, 800 m below the mouth of Johnson Creek, Porcupine drainage, northern Yukon Territory
Map sheet
116 O/13
C.R. Harington
Date submitted
June 17, 0097
Measured Age
22600 ± 600
Normalized Age
22680 ± 600
δ13C (per mil)
palaeobiology; paléobiologie
modern river bank, eroding from early Holocene deposit
Associated taxa
Mammalia: cf. Mammuthus sp
MlVl-1, Old Crow River Locality CRH-14N: There are twelve radiocarbon dates on seven bones from this locality. MlVl-1:2 and MlVl-1:3 are mammoth limb bone fragments interpreted as artifacts and dated on their apatite fraction. These two bones were entirely destroyed, but casts remain in the collections of the Canadian Museum of Civilization (CMC). MlVl-1:1 is a caribou tibia fleshing tool, much of which was sacrificed for a date on its apatite fraction (GX-1640). The working tip of this tool is preserved in the CMC and was sampled for a date on its collagen fraction (RIDDL-145). MlVl-1:142 and MlVl-1:143 are mammoth limb bone fragments interpreted as bone cores (Morlan, 1980: Pl. 4.8, 4.15), and they are preserved in the CMC, having been sampled by drilling to obtain AMS dates. MlVl-1:143 was dated five times by two AMS labs with somewhat disparate results. The RIDDL lab employed three different methods of collagen extraction in preparing four aliquots of sample material. A mammoth femur (I-3573) and a bison humerus (I-4227) were dated for palaeobiological study.

