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Lab number
Material dated
mammoth? bone collagen; collagène osseux de mammouth
Taxa dated
Mammuthus sp.? (MkVl-26: 1, id. by C.R. Harington)
right bank of Old Crow River, on the inside of the first bend below the mouth of King Edward Creek, 265 m asl, 54.8 km above the river mouth, Porcupine drainage, northern Yukon Territory
Map sheet
116 O/13
R.E. Morlan
Date submitted
April 28, 0097
Normalized Age
41400 ± 1600
δ13C (per mil)
palaeobiology, artifact?; paléobiologie, artefact?
surface of point bar
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Mammuthus sp?
Additional information
AMS date. Collagen extraction method 1.
MkVl-26, Old Crow River Locality CRH-74: MkVl-26:1, a proboscidean long bone interpreted as a percussion-flaked core (Morlan, 1980: Pl. 4.16), has been dated on seven different aliquots of collagen. CRNL-1219 yielded a date of 41,460 +5670/-3290 BP. A second aliquot, obtained by excessive hydrolysis of the sample protein, yielded a date of 3420 +/- 1020 BP. This is considered to represent a small stable organic residue of young age that does not reflect the actual age of the bone. It was not given a separate lab number and does not have a separate record in this data base. Five aliquots were dated by the RIDDL lab, using slightly different methods of collagen extraction. This is one of three proboscidean bones that yielded problematic results from accelerator mass spectrometry dating.

