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Lab number
Field number
CMC- 181
Material dated
charcoal; charbon de bois
north bank of Porcupine River, about 10 km upstream from Old Crow, Yukon Territory
Map sheet
116 O/12
W.N. Irving
Date submitted
April 24, 0097
Measured Age
180 ± 160
Normalized Age
180 ± 160
δ13C (per mil)
Recent Gwitchin; Gwitchin récent
Stratigraphic component
Zone A Layer 2
hearth F6611, N5/0 (E100 block), Zone A, Layer 2/3
Associated taxa
Mammalia 5, Rangifer tarandus 49, Ondatra zibethicus 19, Lepus americanus 2, Alces alces 1, Castor canadensis 1, Microtus sp 2, Martes americana 1; Aves 10, Gavia sp 2, Branta canadensis 1, Anas acuta 1, Anas carolinensis 1, Aythya sp 1, Clangula hyemalis 2, Melanitta fusca 1; Pisces 6, Esox lucius 1
Additional information
The faunal includes Layers I and II.
MjVl-1, Klo-kut: This is a deep, stratified late prehistoric site with an historic component near the surface. GaK-1265 was interpreted by W.N. Irving as a date likely preceding the on-set of human occupation at the site. RIDDL-140 dates an antler wedge illustrated by Bonnichsen (1979: Pl. VIII-19, #115-26).

