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Lab number
Field number
Material dated
caribou bone collagen; collagène osseux de caribou
Taxa dated
Rangifer tarandus tibia (18.26 g)
on a prominent ridge forming the left shore of the stream draining lac à la Truite north into lac à l'Aigle, southwest Anderson Plain, Northwest Territories
Map sheet
106 O/13
J.-L. Pilon
Date submitted
August 9, 0097
Normalized Age
380 ± 50
δ13C (per mil)
Palaeoeskimo, AST, Inuvik, anomalous, young; Paléoesquimau, anormal, jeune
East point, area B, unit B-2, northwest quadrant, surface of mineral soil
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Rangifer tarandus
Additional information
AMS date: ETH-9418
MlTk-2, Vidiitshuu Leetak: This is a multicomponent site with a late prehistoric semi-subterranean feature and an Arctic Small-tool Tradition component. Pilon notes that the hearth dated by S-3442 must represent an earlier occupation than the structure dated by S-2937. S-3443 should have been older than S-3442, and the former may represent a burned root. Beta-51302 was selected from calcined and unburned faunal remains near a well defined Palaeoeskimo component, but there was no clearly defined hearth feature. The result indicates a more recent deposition of the specimen.

