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Lab number
Field number
CMC- 383
Material dated
burned caribou bone collagen; collagène osseux de caribou
Taxa dated
Rangifer tarandus
on the east shore of Artillery Lake, opposite the narrows at Timber Bay, ca. 11 m above lake level on a tundra-covered terrace, Great Slave drainage, Northwest Territories
Map sheet
75 K/16
W.C. Noble
Date submitted
August 25, 0097
Measured Age
875 ± 95
Normalized Age
955 ± 95
δ13C (per mil)
Late Taltheilei; Taltheilei récent
hearth, 90 cm in diameter, 8-10 cm depth, south end of site
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Rangifer tarandus
KfNm-3, Hennessey: Noble regards the dates as demonstrating multiple occupation at Hennessey, since neither is associated with the 200 BC - AD 100 Hennessey complex of the Taltheilei tradition. I-4550 belongs late in the Frank Channel phase, while S-587 falls within the Narrows phase of the Taltheilei tradition.

