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Lab number
Material dated
spruce charcoal; charbon d' épinette
Taxa dated
Picea sp.
on a point jutting from a bay forming the northwest shore of Taltheilei Narrows, eastern Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories
Map sheet
75 L/12
W.C. Noble
Date submitted
September 23, 0097
Measured Age
740 ± 160
Normalized Age
740 ± 160
δ13C (per mil)
geoarchaeology; géoarchéologie
burned twigs on beach 14 in a series of 14 beaches, 13 cm depth
KdNw-2, Taltheilei Point: The area had been disturbed by erection of cabins belonging to the Geological Survey of Canada. The amount of charcoal suggests a forest fire rather than burning in a hearth. The surrounding artifacts are typologically earlier than the date, belonging to the Waldron River complex of the Taltheilei tradition. I-5822 may date the same fire as I-5823 from the Pethei Peninsula site (KdNw-4).

