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Lab number
Field number
CMC- 200
Material dated
charcoal; charbon de bois
170 m west of the northwest corner of Fisherman Lake, Liard drainage, Northwest Territories
Map sheet
95 B/05
J.F.V. Millar
Date submitted
September 23, 0097
Measured Age
2460 ± 160
Normalized Age
2460 ± 160
δ13C (per mil)
square 28, 1s/5w, contact of yellow clay and overlying loess or silt
Additional information
small sample, NaOH-leach omitted, 1.6 g burned after acid pretreatment, mixed with dead gas for two 1-day counts.
JcRw-8, MacLeod: This is a stratified site with three prehistoric occupations. One component is below lake silt, and two are mixed on top of the soil profile. Excavation during the second season showed GSC-844 to be related to a large hearth on top of the mineral soil. The date was confirmed for the western part of the site by GSC-1033. The latter sample is from the eastern hearth associated with the same component as the former, tentatively considered transitional between Fish Lake and Mackenzie complexes. Artifacts included small half-moon side blades, double-ended end scrapers, strangulated blades, and small plano-convex end scrapers found with other artifacts similar to the preceding Fish Lake complex or the succeeding Mackenzie complex.

