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Lab number
Field number
CMC- 203
Material dated
charred spruce wood; bois d' épinette carbonisé
Taxa dated
Picea sp. (id. by E. Perem, Forest Products Lab., Ottawa)
on a series of low terraces lying parallel to the lake shore at the extreme northwest corner of Fisherman Lake, Liard drainage, Northwest Territories
Map sheet
95 B/05
J.F.V. Millar
Date submitted
July 18, 0097
Measured Age
420 ± 140
Normalized Age
420 ± 140
δ13C (per mil)
Stratigraphic component
Area B Component 2
Area B, Component 2, square 155, 5.0S/4.35W, hearth high in the loess/silt
Additional information
Same hearth as I-3191; NaOH-leach omitted due to small sample size.
JcRw-3, Klondike: Three site areas are known as North Klondike (JcRw-3A), Central Klondike (JcRw-3B), and South Klondike (JcRw-3C). North Klondike yielded evidence of four prehistoric components beneath an historic occupation, but no radiocarbon dates were obtained. South Klondike yielded 26 geological "floors" of which one, Stratum 24, was dated by I-3196. Central Klondike is the most extensively explored area of the site, and one historic and five prehistoric components were distinguished. Among seven radiocarbon dates there are several reversals with respect to the stratigraphy and two instances of discrepancy between pairs of samples with similar provenience (GSC-846 and I-3191; GaK-1275 and GaK-2338). At least two dates, S-1252 and GaK-2338 were apparently submitted after Millar's (1968) analysis, and these are difficult to integrate into the sequence.

