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Lab number
Material dated
bison bone collagen; collagène osseux de bison
Taxa dated
Bison sp. (110.64 g)
at the northwestern corner of Southern Indian Lake, 259 m asl, near the mouth of Muskwesi River, Churchill drainage, Manitoba
Map sheet
64 G/07
G. Dickson
Date submitted
March 30, 0097
Measured Age
3510 ± 90
Normalized Age
3590 ± 90
δ13C (per mil)
sand-humus matrix, test pit 5, Level 4, 25 cm depth
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Bison sp
HiLp-1, Kame Hills: This is a large multicomponent habitation site with evidence of Archaic, Taltheilei, Woodland (Laurel and Clearwater Lake), and Historic occupations occurring in a sand matrix up to 25 cm in thickness. Except for specific field observations of faunal associations with radiocarbon samples reported by Dickson (1976) and recorded in this data base, it is not possible to determine the faunal assemblage that belongs to a particular period of occupation. GaK-6061 is considered anomalous in view of its depth and an earlier result from GaK-6064. Nothing was directly associated with GaK-6067, but it gives a maximum age for Laurel pottery found just above it. S-778 is considered too young for its depth and associations; this result may be related in part to the pre-treatment method. S-968 was possibly contaminated by a fungus growing beneath some of the bones. S-1077 was surrounded by water due to an unusually high water table. S-1078 was within and beneath hearth Feature 2-75; the result is rejected by Dickson.

