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Lab number
Material dated
charcoal; charbon de bois
Taxa dated
6.1 g
on the north bank of the Saskatchewan River, 267 m asl, opposite the outlet of Pasquia River, Manitoba
Map sheet
63 F/14
M. Tamplin
Date submitted
March 24, 0097
Measured Age
470 ± 60
Normalized Age
470 ± 60
δ13C (per mil)
Woodland, Selkirk; Sylvicole
Stratigraphic component
Component 1
hearth in humic silt, Unit 2n6w, Layer 1a, 77 cm below datum
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Ondatra zibethicus, Castor canadensis, Bison bison, Alces alces, Vulpes vulpes, Lepus americanus, Sylvilagus sp? (should be checked), Cervus elaphus, Martes americana; Aves, Anas sp, Cygnus buccinator; Pisces, Stizostedion sp, Lota lota, Esox lucius, Carpiodes cyprinus, Catostomus sp, Hiodon sp, Coregonus sp
FkMh-5, Pas Reserve: This stratified campsite has four components, Selkirk, Avonlea, Laurel, and Duncan from youngest to oldest, but they are not always well separated stratigraphically. In 1992, a burial was discovered during a basement excavation near the campsite. The burial was accompanied by three projectile points, including a Besant point and two previously unknown types. The campsite has been reported with an incorrect Borden designation, FlMh-2.

