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Lab number
Material dated
bison bone collagen; collagène osseux de bison
Taxa dated
Bison sp.
south of Lac du Bonnet, 267 m asl, near Seven Sisters Falls, Whitemouth drainage, Manitoba
Map sheet
62 I/01
A.P. Buchner
Date submitted
March 24, 0097
Measured Age
3405 ± 175
Normalized Age
3485 ± 175
δ13C (per mil)
Middle Archaic, McKean; Archaïque moyen
Stratigraphic component
Component 2
component 2
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Bison sp
Additional information
It is assumed that this date was not corrected previously for isotopic fractionation.
EaLa-1, Whitemouth Falls: Four components include Late Woodland, McKean, Oxbow, and an early Holocene burial of unknown cultural affiliation. The burial consisted of the flexed remains of an adult female. It was covered with red ochre and was associated with an ochre-filled clamshell. A bison skull had been placed on top of the lower limbs.

