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Lab number
Field number
Sample 3
Material dated
burned bone apatite; apatite osseux brûlé
Taxa dated
167 g
near Bissett, along 400-500 m of the southeastern shoreline of Wanipigow Lake, 320 m asl, Manitoba
Map sheet
52 M/04
S. Saylor
Date submitted
April 4, 0097
Measured Age
1095 ± 150
Normalized Age
1340 ± 155
δ13C (per mil)
Woodland, Blackduck; Sylvicole
Wanipigow Lake area, Unit 6, bottom Level 4, top Level 5
Additional information
It is assumed that this date was not corrected previously for isotopic fractionation.
EgKx-1, Wanipigow: This multi-component site has been divided into four named areas, each with its distinctive stratigraphy, culture history and modern vegetation: H.W. area, Hollow Water; W.L. area, Wanipigow Lake; C.P. area, Cabin Point; and C.L. area, Carlor. Ten radiocarbon samples were submitted to the Geochron lab from the W.L. area, and four samples were submitted to the same lab from the C.P. area. Four samples were too small to date. S. Saylor (1989) suggests that the site was first occupied about 5000-6000 years ago based on point types from the lowest levels of the Cabin Point area. Archaic period occupation was sporadic and is represented mainly by Oxbow points. Middle Woodland occupations are represented by a variety of Laurel pottery types, most of which belong to middle and late Laurel styles. The most intensive and continuous occupations belong to the Late Woodland period, between A.D. 800-1000 and A.D. 1650-1700, when considerable quantities of Blackduck, Selkirk and Sandy Lake ware were deposited on the site. Detailed reports have been published on the soils (Zoltai, 1989a), plant macrofossils (Zoltai, 1989b), Laurel ceramics (B. Saylor, 1989), and projectile points (Hambly, 1994). A preliminary report (Saylor, 1977) lists faunal remains but does not explain the associations between taxa and occupation episodes. Data concerning radiocarbon sample size and provenience were conveyed with a memorandum from L. Pettipas to E. Nielsen that was forwarded to R. McNeely and R.E. Morlan.

