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Lab number
Material dated
bone collagen; collagène osseux
Taxa dated
Testudines, Pisces, and Aves
on the shore of Manigotagan Lake, 282 m asl, about 20 km southeast of Bissett, Manigotagan drainage, Manitoba
Map sheet
52 L/13
A.P. Buchner
Date submitted
March 24, 0097
Measured Age
860 ± 50
Normalized Age
940 ± 55
δ13C (per mil)
Woodland, Laurel; Sylvicole
Stratigraphic component
Component 3
component 3, associated with dentated sherds
Associated taxa
Mammalia 554: Lepus americanus 4, Castor canadensis 15, Ondatra zibethicus 9, Mustela vison 1, Lutra canadensis 2, Lynx canadensis 1, Cervidae 3; Aves 110: Gavia immer 1, Anas platyrhynchos 44; Reptilia: Chelonia 16; Pisces 11: Esox lucius 1; Mollusca: Unionidae 1
Additional information
It is assumed that this date was not corrected previously for isotopic fractionation.
EfKv-39, LM-8: Five components include Blackduck and Selkirk, Laurel, Larter or Pelican Lake phase, and Raddatz/Old Copper materials. The last-named component is assigned to the Middle Shield Archaic by Wright (1995). This site is reported with an incorrect Borden designation, EeKu-33.

