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Lab number
Field number
Material dated
charcoal; charbon de bois
near the confluence of Gainsborough Creek and Souris River, south of Melita, Manitoba
Map sheet
62 F/02
E.L. Syms
Date submitted
March 24, 0097
Measured Age
1010 ± 60
Normalized Age
1010 ± 60
δ13C (per mil)
Woodland; Sylvicole
Stratigraphic component
Occupation 1
hearth in river bank, 122 cm depth
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Bison sp
DhMg-37, Snyder Dam: This site contains stratigraphically separated components yielding late Middle Woodland and Late Woodland ceramics. S-683 found in and on top of ash lens, associated with cultural material, fragments of a thick crude Woodland vessel, a small shallow side-notched point, and six flakes of Knife River flint. Vessel resembles Flanders Crockery Creek ceramics from south-central Michigan and somewhat like Canteen cordmarked ware. First date from western Canada with this type of pottery. Comment by Syms: S-683 is satisfactory, although slightly early. S-741 on charcoal and S-739 on bone, from same occupation, cluster fairly closely. Range of AD 880 to 1000 assigned to this component based on charcoal date and because the two bone dates overlap either end of this range. See Syms (1979b: 54-56) for a detailed discussion of these dates.

