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Lab number
Field number
Material dated
mammoth bone apatite; apatite osseux de mammouth
Taxa dated
Mammuthus sp. tusk (110 g, 3880 mg used)
northeast of Winnipeg, about 260 m asl, Red River valley, Manitoba
Map sheet
62 H/15
G. Matile
Date submitted
May 25, 0098
Normalized Age
940 ± 70
palaeobiology, anomalous, young; paléobiologie, anormal, jeune
sand and gravel pit in Birds Hill esker, redeposited, presumably from mid-Wisconsinan sediments, about 20 m depth
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Mammuthus sp
Additional information
AMS date.
DlLf-VP, Birds Hill: A mammoth tusk was eroded from the face of a gravel pit into the Birds Hill esker, from a depth of about 20 m below the surface. "As no organic fraction could be isolated for dating, the apatite fraction was used instead. The carbonate fraction was dissolved in glacial acetic acid, isolating the apatite which represented 22% of the total weight. CO2 from the apatite was released by hydrolysis in concentrated H3PO4. The total Carbon of this CO2 represented only 0.9% of the weight of the apatite fraction. In view of the small amount of carbon, released from the sample, and the unreliability of inorganic fractions for dating, the resulting age does not reflect the real age of the sample but is a measure of sample contamination through exchange" (R.P. Beukens, p.c. to G. Matile, 23/09/1986).

