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Lab number
Material dated
bison bone collagen; collagène osseux de bison
Taxa dated
Bison bison ssp. horn core (320 g; id. by M.C. Wilson)
Assiniboine River, near Waggle Springs, Manitoba
Map sheet
62 G/13
E. Nielsen
Date submitted
April 18, 0098
Measured Age
6300 ± 100
Normalized Age
6380 ± 100
δ13C (per mil)
palaeobiology; paléobiologie
calcareous silt and clay, eroded from alluvium, stratigraphic position uncertain
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Bison bison ssp
DkLw-VP, Waggle Springs: The horn core was examined by M.C. Wilson who found it to be the right horn core of a mature male bison. The horn core is long and robust, exhibiting prominent exotoses suggesting an age at death of 10 or more years. Too little of the skull is attached to determine the angle of deflection, an important character from a taxonomic standpoint. However, the vertical diameter at the base of the horn core (100 mm), the transverse diameter at the base (105 mm) and the circumference at the base (335 mm) are very close to the maxima for B. bison occidentalis and are more typical measurements for B.b. antiquus.

