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Lab number
Field number
CMC- 205
Material dated
charcoal; charbon de bois
on the Assiniboine River, 358 m asl, southeast of Brandon, Manitoba
Map sheet
62 G/13
W.M. Hlady
Date submitted
March 26, 0097
Measured Age
2490 ± 100
Normalized Age
2490 ± 100
δ13C (per mil)
firepit, sq. 105n10e, 44-58 cm depth
DkLw-1, Harris No. 1: The deepest occupation, at an average depth of 48-58 cm, in the top of gravels probably laid down as a strandline of glacial Lake Brandon, is associated with large flake tools. Above this is an occupation with average depth of 38-46 cm, containing large side-notched points, one of which was associated with GaK-1483 in the firepit. Uppermost is a thin deposit perhaps representing more than one occupation. GaK-1483 will date the middle occupation, est. at 4000 to 7000 yr. Comment by Hlady: with another field season, the original estimate is recognized as much too early, and the date does not seem out of line. Large side-notched point associated with GaK-1483 is of a size which persisted as late as AD 300-400 in the Besant phase.

