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Lab number
Field number
Material dated
bison bone collagen; collagène osseux de bison
Taxa dated
Bison sp. molar (id. by R.E. Morlan)
a natural river cutbank along the west bank of the Red River, 228 m asl, 3 km south-southwest of the intersection of highways 75 and 305 at the town of Ste. Agathe, Manitoba
Map sheet
62 H/11
G.R. Brooks
Date submitted
April 18, 0098
Normalized Age
5430 ± 70
palaeobiology; paléobiologie
silt-clay alluvium in point bar deposit overlying Glacial Lake Agassiz clay
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Bison sp
Additional information
AMS date.
DjLh-VP: The dated sample was one of three teeth which were part of a collection of broken pieces of bones. Most of the bones are poorly to moderately preserved and seem to have been weathered prior to deposition. The teeth, however, are well preserved (intact, enamel still present). Preliminary interpretations of the cutbank indicate that the sample was contained within Holocene alluvial floodplain deposits. Specifically, the unit containing the sample represents point bar deposits formed from lateral accretion along the convex (or inner) bank of a meander. Successive accretion on this bank has resulted in the concomitant lateral construction of the floodplain and migration of the river channel. At present, the meandering channel of the Red River is laterally stable, however, the presence of floodplain deposits and the occasional meander scar along the river course indicates that it has experienced lateral migration processes in the past. The shift from an actively migrating to stable channel is believed to have been caused by the decrease in the valley slope imposed by the Holocene differential isostatic adjustment of southern Manitoba. The time intervals of active and inactive migration are presently not known. The age of this sample will a) represent a minimum age for the development of lateral channel migration processes on the glacial Lake Agassiz plain; b) fall within the period of active channel migration; and c) represent a maximum date for the transition from active to inactive channel migration.

