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Lab number
Material dated
caribou bone collagen; collagène osseux de caribou
Taxa dated
Rangifer tarandus antler
near confluence of Ningunsaw and Iskut Rivers, Stikine drainage, northwestern British Columbia
Map sheet
104 B/16
Date submitted
August 16, 0099
Date uploaded
February 14, 2020
Normalized Age
3840 ± 70
δ13C (per mil)
palaeobiology; paléobiologie
in a shallow nivation hollow on a rounded ridge crest
HfTo-VP: In a study of Neoglacial history in the northern Coast Range, Ryder (1987: 1300) notes, "Recent recession of a permanent snow patch ... has uncovered many ancient caribou antlers. These are now in various stages of decay, although recently melted-out specimens are well preserved." S-2279 dates a well preserved antler of a bull caribou.

