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Lab number
Field number
CMC- 924
Material dated
Type of date
Prince Rupert Harbour Area, Site covers almost all of Didge Island in Dodge Cove on the Eastern Shoreline of Digby Island. Take boat west from PRH
Elevation (m ASL)
Date uploaded
February 14, 2020
Normalized Age
4875 ± 125
δ13C (per mil)
Stratigraphic component
4.0' below datum, with a cluster of rocks not assigned a feature numbersquare H9, N3.3/W3.35
GbTo-18, Dodge Island: This small island is half covered by a shell midden up to 3 m thick, underlain by thick humus containing chipped stone implements. MacDonald believes that GaK-1876 may have been contaminated by ground water saturation. However, the recent date may reflect a shift in settlement pattern to areas farther from the beach due to the growth of the village. The same applies to GaK-1877, from a level slightly below GaK-1876. GSC-1439 tends to confirm GaK-1877. GaK-1879 was from the base of the cultural deposit, on top of sterile gravel, and is confirmed by other basal dates from the coast which suggest a maximum age of about 5000 years for shell midden. The same comment applies to GaK-1880.

