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Lab number
Material dated
bison bone collagen; collagène osseux de bison
Taxa dated
Bison sp.?
on a bedrock terrace along the north bank of Crowsnest River, within the Livingstone Range, Crowsnest Pass, Alberta
Map sheet
82 G/09
A.J. Landals
Date submitted
March 6, 0097
Measured Age
6340 ± 160
Normalized Age
6420 ± 160
δ13C (per mil)
Archaic, Mummy Cave; Mazama; Archaïque
Stratigraphic component
Component 3
component 3, hard, blocky red peat, just above Mazama tephra, Mapleleaf subphase
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Bison bison (see also RL-877)
Additional information
It is assumed that this date was not corrected previously for isotopic fractionation.
DjPo-47, Maple Leaf: This is the type site of Driver's (1978) Mapleleaf subphase. Landals (1986) describes three components in her detailed zooarchaeological study. Component 1 belongs to the late Palaeoindian period based on a projectile point that may be a variant of the Pryor stemmed type as well as a radiocarbon date (RL-873). It occurs in a clay layer above cobbles and below marl. Component 2 is in the marl, just below Mazama tephra, and it yielded an Elko Eared point and one radiocarbon date (RL-876). Component 3, in clay just above the Mazama tephra, has a confusing excavation history and had apparently been disturbed by a borrow pit. It yielded seven Bitterroot/Salmon River points, two Oxbow points, and one unclassified point. Of three dates on component 3, GX-6384A was closely associated with one of the Oxbow points. Driver (1987: 354) states that RL-877 was associated with an Oxbow point, and he assigns RL-508 to a post-Mazama Mummy Cave bison kill. An additional date, RL-872, is ascribed to the Hanna complex by Brumley and Rushworth (1983: 150) who cite a personal communication from B.O.K. Reeves.

