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Lab number
Material dated
charcoal?; charbon de bois?
east of Toronto on a plateau of land bordered by a small creek that drains into Lake Ontario, Northumberland County, Ontario
Map sheet
30 M/16
M. Kapches
Date submitted
April 23, 2002
Normalized Age
890 ± 40
Late Woodland, Pickering; Sylvicole supérieur
a small Pickering hamlet
Associated taxa
Mammalia, Canis familiaris, Procyon lotor, Odocoileus virginianus; Pisces, Perca flavescens
Additional information
AMS date.
AlGo-14, Eldorado: Cooper and Savage (1994: 29) note that acidic soil conditions limited faunal recovery to only 89 specimens, mostly calcined, recovered from hearth and pit features of one longhouse excavated in 1983. Recovery of this small sample was aided by screening and flotation. Hamalainen compared the assemblage to the larger sample from the closely related Auda site, AlGo-29, but no strong inferences could be made concerning the subsistence practices or seasonality at this hamlet.
