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Lab number
Material dated
charcoal; charbon de bois
on the Norfolk Sand Plain, Oxford County, Ontario
Map sheet
40 I/15
W.A. Fox
Date submitted
January 26, 0098
Normalized Age
855 ± 90
Late Woodland, Glen Meyer; Sylvicole supérieur
pit feature 17, trench 5
Associated taxa
see I-6411
AfHd-1, Dewaele: This is a Glen Meyer village of four or more houses and a 2-3 row palisade, covering about 0.8 hectares. It has received limited excavation. Cooper and Savage (1994: 25) report that two preliminary analyses report on material recovered from excavations between 1967 and 1971. Some features were screened, but none was floated. Burns' sample, from several units, was 52% fish, 23% mammal, and 21% avian, with 12% thermally altered. White-tailed deer was probably the most important source of meat. Fish were a dietary staple, and passenger pigeon appear to have been intensively exploited by nest-robbing of the young. Coary examined specimens from one midden, and her findings are consistent with those of Burns.

