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Lab number
Material dated
bison bone collagen; collagène osseux de bison
Taxa dated
Bison sp. vertebrae
north bank of Crowsnest River, on a 3 m terrace, 2 km east of Burmis in the foothills section of Crowsnest Pass, Alberta
Map sheet
82 G/09
B.O.K. Reeves
Date submitted
March 6, 0097
Normalized Age
Woodland, Old Women's; Sylvicole
Stratigraphic component
Component 3
winter camp, articulated vertebral segment in occupation level 3, Crowsnest Lake subphase
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Castor canadensis 2-1, Bison bison 38-2
DjPn-9: Citing Quigg and Reeves (1975), Driver (1978: 100) notes that Level 1 contains Bitterroot side-notched, Oxbow, and Pelican Lake corner-notched points in one component which may be mixed or disturbed. Level 2 yielded Bitterroot side-notched, Kootenay side-notched, and Pelican Lake corner-notched points, prompting Driver (1978: 104) to suggest that it is a mixed assemblage. Level 3 contained Plains side-notched points. In Driver's view, all of the dates from DjPn-9, except RL-418 on Level 3, are anomalously young. Driver (1985) considers this site to have served as a winter camp during all three occupations.
