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Lab number
Field number
Material dated
charcoal; charbon de bois
Friendly Cove, Nootka Sound, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Map sheet
92 E/10
Date submitted
April 19, 0098
Date uploaded
February 14, 2020
Normalized Age
2630 ± 110
West Coast; Côte ouest
Stratigraphic component
Zone 2
Zone II, stratum IIa, heavy damp black organic soil, rocks, decomposed bone, ca. 7 m asl
DjSp-1, Yuquot: This village site is one of the largest and best known archaeological village sites on western Vancouver Island. It rests on a large shell midden built on a sand and gravel spit. Yuquot strata are clustered into four zones (I, II, II, and IV) providing a continuous archaeological sequence from before 4200 BP to historic era. The bulk of the organic midden deposit lies 1.3 m above the charcoal dated by GSC-1767. The GSC date represents a cross-check on GaK-2180, consisting of the same sample material. GaK-2180 gave a result inconsistent with the ages of two overlying samples, GaK-2179 and GaK-2183. While the GSC result is an improvement, it is still younger than the overlying samples. This may be partly due to the very small amount of sample left for checking, or to an unknown intrusive problem. Zone description: Zone I; very waterworn, poor preservation, bottom of excavation but sterile deposits were not reached, very few artifacts/faunal material. Zone II; much more organic material (crushed mussell), very good bone and antler preservation, represents beginning of much mroe intensive occupation of site with appearence of evidence for permanent structures and large fire pits. Zone III; represents period after Zone II up to Spanish contact in 1789, deposits very similar to Zone II. Zone IV; historic

