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Lab number
Material dated
willow wood; bois de saule
Taxa dated
Salix sp.
on a grass and sedge terrace just below Avayalik 2, on Avayalik Island, 25 km south of the tip of the Labrador Peninsula
Map sheet
25 A/01
R.H. Jordan
Date submitted
August 28, 0097
Normalized Age
1510 ± 60
Palaeoeskimo, middle Dorset; Paléoesquimau, Dorsétien moyen
Middle Dorset midden, twigs in black humified peat 60 cm thick
Associated taxa
see SI-3997
Additional information
Nagle (1984: 236) lists this date as SI-3998, although there could be two identical dates.
JaDb-10, Avayalik Island 1: The site encompasses about 1200 sq m of rich Middle Dorset midden deposit and house depressions, which are probably associated with both Middle and Late Dorset occupations. SI-3864 conforms well with other Late Dorset sites in northern Labrador dated to the 13th century. The other dates are satisfactory for the Middle Dorset occupation of this site.

