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Lab number
Material dated
charcoal; charbon de bois
on the northeast shore of Groswater Bay, 6.7 m asl, Hamilton Inlet, Labrador
Map sheet
13 I/06
W.W. Fitzhugh
Date submitted
June 26, 0097
Normalized Age
4650 ± 60
Maritime Archaic; Archaïque maritime
Feature A
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Phoca vitulina, Phoca groenlandicus, Odobenus rosmarus, Rangifer tarandus, Ursus americanus, Lutra canadensis, Lepus sp, Ondatra zibethicus, Rodentia (Castor or Erethizon); Aves, Bucephala clangula, Melanitta perspicillata, Melanitta nigra, Melanitta fusca, Somateria spectabilis, Alle alle, Clangula hyemalis, Anas sp, Charadriiformes (shorebirds)
Additional information
Exact association between vertebrates and dates is not clear.
GcBi-7, Rattlers Bight 1: This large habitation and cemetery site is the type site of the Rattlers Bight complex of the Maritime Archaic tradition. GSC-1260 and GSC-1379 suggest that occupation began soon after the emergence of the site from the sea.

