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Lab number
Field number
CMC- 317
Material dated
charcoal; charbon de bois
on the east side of an elevated beach sequence, 8.5-8.8 m asl, west side of Ticoralak Island, Groswater Bay, Hamilton Inlet, Labrador
Map sheet
13 J/08
W.W. Fitzhugh
Date submitted
June 27, 0097
Measured Age
2340 ± 140
Normalized Age
2380 ± 140
δ13C (per mil)
Palaeoeskimo, Groswater Dorset; Paléoesquimau, Dorsétien Groswater
composite sample, Sqs. 162E-24N and 162E-30N, 2-5 cm depth
GbBn-4, Ticoralak 3: The cultural deposit containing charcoal was thin and within 2-5 cm of the surface. Some charcoal was found under rocks or in small depressions, always overlying sterile gravel. No definite hearth could be located, although rock concentrations suggest that the charcoal came from such a feature, now disturbed beyond recognition. A new point type suggesting new cultural influences was found. Within 6 m is an Indian site. Fitzhugh designates Ticoralak-3 as a small Dorset site. The tool assemblage is small, but certain common Dorset types, such as the triangular "tip-fluted" point, are absent. The site documents a regional variant of Dorset in the early to middle Dorset occupation of central Labrador. The site altitude is intermediate in the range of Dorset sites on the Ticoralak beach series. GSC-1217 is earlier than expected but is consistent with other local Dorset sites and with geologic evidence.

