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Lab number
Field number
CMC- 315
Material dated
charcoal; charbon de bois
on the east side of an elevated beach sequence, 9.5 m asl, west side of Ticoralak Island, Groswater Bay, Hamilton Inlet, Labrador
Map sheet
13 J/08
W.W. Fitzhugh
Date submitted
June 27, 0097
Measured Age
2660 ± 140
Normalized Age
2690 ± 140
δ13C (per mil)
Palaeoeskimo, Groswater Dorset; Paléoesquimau, Dorsétien Groswater
composite sample from 1.8 m diameter area, 2.5-7.5 cm depth
GbBn-2, Ticoralak 2: A series of Dorset camps in the area are apparently related to relic beach levels. The cultural deposit at GbBn-2 is only 2.5-5 cm thick, with charcoal distributed from within 2.5 cm of the surface to sterile gravel below. Fitzhugh finds GSC-1179 earlier than expected but consistent with other radiocarbon dated sites in the area, and it is the highest of three dated sites on raised beaches at Ticoralak. The small sample of tools makes cultural comparison difficult. The site is most significant for anchoring the early end of the local Dorset sequence and in demonstrating its early presence in Labrador. It appears to represent an early expansion of Dorset to the central and southern Labrador coast from its ancestral pre-Dorset culture in northern Labrador.

