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Lab number
Field number
SV-68-27 (1.5 m)
Material dated
bison bone collagen; collagène osseux de bison
Taxa dated
Bison sp vertebrae, sacrum, and ribs (500 g, id. by C.S. Churcher)
along the lower part of the north valley side of North Saskatchewan River, 10 km south-southwest of Bellis and 18 km east-southeast of Smoky Lake, Alberta
Map sheet
083 I/01
D.A. St-Onge
Date submitted
July 10, 2004
Measured Age
2860 ± 130
Normalized Age
2980 ± 130
δ13C (per mil)
palaeobiology; paléobiologie
sandy silt alluvium exposed in a natural cutbank, 1.5 m depth, in a postglacial river terrace
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Bison sp
Additional information
Two determinations were made; this sample had a one hour leach with 0.1 N NaOH
Bellis, GaPb-VP: Comment on GSC-1195 (D.A. St-Onge): The bones date a well developed abandoned terrace level (the lower of two) on the northern wall of the North Saskatchewan Valley; the enclosing sediments were deposited when the river floodplain was about 12 m above present river level (cf. St-Onge, 1970, 1972). The date correlates well with both GSC-1205, 10200 ± 160 years (Lowdon and Blake, 1979) on Bison bones in gravel alluvium of a high level (550 m) river terrace at Athabasca which approximates the beginning of postglacial river valley development in this area, and with GSC-1207, 6040 ± 140 (Lowdon and Blake, 1979) on Bison bones from sandy silty alluvium of a middle level river terrace on North Saskatchewan River 7 km upstream from this site; the latter date relates to a phase in the history of North Saskatchewan River when its floodplain was about 20 m above present river level.
