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Lab number
Material dated
pottery encrustation; tartre de poterie
Oswego County, New York
Map sheet
J.P. Hart
Date uploaded
January 15, 2020
Date updated
March 8, 2004
Normalized Age
1425 ± 45
δ13C (per mil)
Middle Woodland; Sylvicole moyen
cooking residue from the interior of Wickham Corded Punctate vessel (42525-1)
Associated taxa
cultigen: Zea mays, Cucurbita pepo; Flora: Zizania aquatica, Cyperus
Additional information
Chemical pretreatment was performed at ISGS, and the sample was dated by the Oxford Accelerator Unit. A second C-13 ratio = -27.6.
Wickham: This site is located at the west end of Oneida Lake. It was believed to have stratigraphically separated Middle Woodland (Wickham 2) and early Late Woodland (Wickham 3) components belonging to the Kipp Island and Carpenter Brook phases, respectively. Hart et al. (2003) obtained AMS dates on four samples of cooking residue collected from the interior surfaces of four different pottery vessels. The disparate results support Ritchie's (1969) contention that this is a multicomponent site. Phytoliths recovered from the cooking residue samples suggest that maize, wild rice, squash, and sedge were cooked in the sampled vessels.

