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Lab number
Field number
CMC- 499
Material dated
charcoal; charbon de bois
on a small bay north of a larger bay on the west side of Lapworth Point, 3 m above the level of Lake Athabasca, northeastern Alberta
Map sheet
74 M/01
J.V. Wright
Date submitted
March 15, 0098
Measured Age
1260 ± 170
Normalized Age
1260 ± 170
δ13C (per mil)
Late Taltheilei; Taltheilei récent
unit C, stratum III, 23"S/104"W, in a circular deposit 15 cm in diameter, 38 cm depth
IgOo-1, Big Bay: This stratified site contains four components separated by sterile sand lenses. Although the stratigraphy was excellent, consisting of sterile cappings of sand deposited along a storm beach over successive living floors with no evidence of intrusive disturbance, neither of two radiocarbon dates is acceptable. Cultural material consisting of a Hanna-type projectile point and a transverse burin is not in accord with such late dates.

