Lab number Site Province / State Normalized age δ13C (per mil)
GX-1536 44CC29 (Edgehill)
GX-1537 44CC29 (Edgehill)
GX-15397 10730 ± 460
GX-15409 47DR-? WI 1034 ± 69
GX-15410 47DR128 (Rock Island II) WI 1500 ± 93 -20.0
GX-15411 47DR128 (Rock Island II) WI 1607 ± 71 -20.0
GX-15412 47DR128 (Rock Island II) WI 574 ± 66 -20.0
GX-15413 47DR128 (Rock Island II) WI 1027 ± 96 -20.0
GX-15414 47DR128 (Rock Island II) WI 937 ± 89 -20.0
GX-15415 41WT5 (Washington on the Brazos) 2505 ± 75 -27.1
GX-15416 41WT5 (Washington on the Brazos) 530 ± 70 -23.7
GX-15417 41BU119 (Buffalo Ranch) 8390 ± 330 -24.1
GX-15419 41WT5 (Washington on the Brazos) 315 ± 70 -28.8
GX-15420 41WT5 (Washington on the Brazos) 400 ± 70 -25.5
GX-15421 41WT5 (Washington on the Brazos) 270 ± 70 -26.3
GX-15422 41WT5 (Washington on the Brazos) 430 ± 70 -26.5
GX-1547 42IN100 (Parowan) UT
GX-1548 42IN100 (Parowan) UT
GX-1549 42IN40 (Evans Mound/Summit) UT
GX-155 8WL29 (Alligator Lake) 2575 ± 80 -25.0
GX-1550 42IN40 (Evans Mound/Summit) UT
GX-1558 34CM131 (Gore Pit) OK
GX-1562 42? (Bear Lake core)
GX-15661 19PL267 (World's End) MA 1065 ± 70 2.6
GX-15662 19PL569 (Boardwalk) MA
GX-15663 19PL570 (Boulder Cave) MA
GX-15664 19PL267 (World's End) MA 765 ± 70 -25.6
GX-15665 32GF123 (Smilden-Rostberg) ND 5660 ± 70
GX-15666 32GF123 (Smilden-Rostberg) ND 5860 ± 210
GX-1567 MlVl-1 (Old Crow Loc. CRH-14N) YT 29245 -10.0