Name Citations
Smith and Mocas 1993-Phase 2 Archaeological Investigations of Site 12Sp284… 3
Smith and Mocas 1994 3
Smith and Ormerod, 1997 1
Smith and Polly 2013-A Reevaluation of the Harrodsburg Crevice… 0
Smith and Reeves, 1978 1
Smith and Ruest 1995: "Dry Susie Creek Site: A Structure of Middle Archaci Habitation Features from the Upper Humboldt River Area, Nevada", Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 17(2) 2
Smith and Ruest, 1992 0
Smith and Stephenson 2017, Arch Survey of the Hobcaw House enclosure... 2
Smith and Stephenson 2017-The spatial dimension of the Woodland period 11
Smith and Stephenson 2018-The Spatial Dimension of the Woodland Period 23
Smith and Stephenson, PC, 2020 29
Smith and Walker, 1988 14
Smith and Wintemberg, 1929 1
Smith and Yarnell 2009 4
Smith et al 2012 3
Smith et al 2022 Leonard Rockshelter Revisited 15
Smith et al. (2018) Quaternary Science Reviews 183, p. 23-35 per Dalton et al. 2020-An Updated Radiocarbon-Based Ice Margin…. 1
Smith et al. 1988 1
Smith et al. 1993 1
Smith et al. 1993, Hunter et al. 1993 4
Smith et al. 1995-The Magnet Site (12PE171) 1
Smith et al. 1997 2
Smith et al. 2003-Site 48Ut375: Late Paleoindian Period Subsistence…. 9
Smith et al. 2004 3
Smith et al. 2004, Interior Incised Plates and Bowls… 7
Smith et al. 2010 2
Smith et al. 2011 3
Smith et al. 2012 4
Smith et al. 2012-Archaeological Phase II and II Investigations and Monitoring of site 12T1154… 4
Smith et al. 2013 4