Name |
Citations |
Rudolph (1983) " Lamar Period Explorations…" Early Georgia vol 11 (1,2) |
1 |
Rudolph 1983 |
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Rudolph 1990 (letter to James B. Langford), PC 2020 from Scot Keith |
0 |
Rudolph 1995 |
3 |
Rudolph et al. 2008 |
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Ruggiero 2003, Phase I Arch Recon of 4109 acres |
1 |
Ruhe (1969) Quaternary Landscapes in Iowa. Ames, Iowa, Iowa State University Press, 255 p. // Bettis et al. (1996) Hogs, Bogs, and Logs: Quaternary Deposits and Environmental Geology of the Des Moines Lobe. Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey Bureau Guidebook Series no. 18, 170 p. per Dalton et al. 2020-An Updated Radiocarbon-Based Ice Margin…. |
6 |
Ruhe (1969) Quaternary Landscapes in Iowa. Ames, Iowa, Iowa State University Press, 255 p. per Dalton et al. 2020-An Updated Radiocarbon-Based Ice Margin…. |
1 |
Ruhe (1983) Depositional environment of late Wisconsin loess in the midcontinental United States. In: Wright and Porter (Eds.), Late-Quaternary Environments of the United States, The Late Pleistocene, Vol. 1, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, p. 130–137 // Bettis et al. (1996) Hogs, Bogs, and Logs: Quaternary Deposits and Environmental Geology of the Des Moines Lobe. Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey Bureau Guidebook Series no. 18, 170 p. per Dalton et al. 2020-An Updated Radiocarbon-Based Ice Margin…. |
3 |
Ruhl 1991 |
1 |
Running 2006 |
2 |
Running, 1995 |
4 |
Running, 1995, 2006 |
5 |
RUPP 1991 |
1 |
1 |
Ruppert 1994, Evidence for the endoparasite Giardia |
1 |
Rusco and Davis 1982 |
26 |
Rusco and Davis, 1987 |
0 |
Rusco et al. 1979 |
3 |