Name Citations
Sheldon 1979b 1
Sheldon 1979c 1
Sheldon 1979d 5
Shepard and Chatters 1976 (RCJ) 1
Sheppard and Chatters 1976 2
Sheppard and Chatters, 1976 4
Sheppard and Chatters, 1976: 141 3
Sheppard and Chatters, 1976: 142 4
Sheppard and Chatters, 1976: 143 4
Sheppard and Chatters, 1976: 144 10
Sheppard and Chatters, 1976: 145 19
Sheppard and Chatters, 1976: 148 1
Sheppard et al., 1984, 1987 27
Sherwood et al., 2004 2
Shields and Dalley 1978 1
Shields and Dalley, 1978 1
Shields, 1967 2
Shields, 1967, Metcalfe 1999 1
SHIELDS, 1967, p. 5 & 16. 1
Shields, 1978 1
Shields, 1980 2
Shippee 1972 8
Shippee, 1966 3
Shoshani et al., 1989, 1990 8
Shoshani, 1989 4
Shott 1989 8
Shott 1992 19
Shott, 1993 2
SHPO Files 299
SHPO files 0