Gobetz and Martin, 2001

Samples that cite this reference

Lab number Site Province / State Normalized age δ13C (per mil)
CAMS-6370 14WY-VP (Bonner Springs) KS 12360 ± 110
CAMS-20001 14WY-VP (Bonner Springs) KS 11500 ± 70
CAMS-20002 14WY-VP (Bonner Springs) KS 13890 ± 60
CAMS-20003 14WY-VP (Bonner Springs) KS 13850 ± 50
CAMS-20004 14WY-VP (Bonner Springs) KS 12150 ± 80
CAMS-20005 14WY-VP (Bonner Springs) KS 110 ± 60
CAMS-20007 14WY-VP (Bonner Springs) KS 9630 ± 60