Shawn Patch, 2011, Identifying Hunter-gatherer Activity Areas in the North Carolina Sandhills

Samples that cite this reference

Lab number Site Province / State Normalized age δ13C (per mil)
Beta-247723 31CD64 2630 ± 40 -25.2
Beta-247724 31CD64 5450 ± 40 -24.7
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Beta-247726 31CD64 4150 ± 40 -24.9
Beta-247727 31CD871 1220 ± 40 -25.1
Beta-247728 31CD871 450 ± 40 -25.2
Beta-247729 31CD871 720 ± 40 -24.3
Beta-247730 31CD871 1580 ± 40 -24.9
Beta-247731 31CD871 340 ± 40 -25.5
Beta-247732 31CD64 5170 ± 40 -24.3