Wesnousky, Steven G., Andrew D. Barron, Richard W.Briggs, S. John Caskey, Senthil Kumar, and Lewis Owen 2005, Paleoseismic transect across the northern Great Basin, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH 110:B05408.

Samples that cite this reference

Lab number Site Province / State Normalized age δ13C (per mil)
CAMS-71529 26La,ShoshoneRangeFlt,LewisCanyon (Shoshone Range Flt, Lewis Canyon) 6030 ± 40 -25.0
CAMS-80362 26Pe,HumboldtRange,faulttrench (Humboldtult Humboldt, Range fault, trench) 4085 ± 30 -25.0
CAMS-90556 26Hu,DryHills,faulttrench (Dry Hills, fault trench) 5065 ± 35
GX-29214 26,TuscaroraRange,MalpaisFault (Tuscarora Range, Malpais Fault) 6550 ± 40 -21.5
GX-29215 26,TuscaroraRange,MalpaisFault (Tuscarora Range, Malpais Fault) 15640 ± 60 -21.3
GX-30363 26,SonomaRange,BaconCanyon (Sonoma Range, Bacon Canyon) 16960 ± 110 -23.1
GX-30364 26La,ShoshoneRangeFlt,LewisCanyon (Shoshone Range Flt, Lewis Canyon) 2950 ± 50 -20.9
GX-30533 26Pe,BlueWingsMtns.,fault (Blue Wings Mtns., fault) 4720 ± 40 -24.3