Boomgarden et al. 2014 - Prehistoric Archaeology in Range Creek Canyon…

Samples that cite this reference

Lab number Site Province / State Normalized age δ13C (per mil)
PRI-08-102-1 42EM2861 (Big Village) UT 960 ± 15 -22.4
UGAMS-12221 42EM2861 (Big Village) UT 900 ± 20 -22.5
UGAMS-3948 42EM2865 (Gold Ghost) UT 1133 ± 23 -11.43
Beta-202188 42EM3117 (Granary Row) UT 980 ± 40 -9.5
UGAMS-16506 42EM4753 (LC-13-06 FS1) UT 880 ± 25 -24.9
Beta-202191 42EM741 (Nelson House) UT 980 ± 40 -22.9
UGAMS-3949 42EM2885 (NickPat Granary) UT 965 ± 23 -10.65
UGAMS-3951 42EM3048 (Perfect Granary) UT 932 ± 24 -11.42
Beta-202190 42EM3213 (Preservation Pole Pithouse) UT 930 ± 40 -22.9
UGAMS-12220 42EM3217 (Rainbow Platform) UT 940 ± 20 -23.2
UGAMS-12222 42EM3359 (Scaffold Granary) UT 1010 ± 20 -25.2
Beta-214831 42EM3585 (Sticks of Mystery) UT 940 ± 40 -23.0
Beta-202187 42EM3170 (Winnowing Tray Site) UT 1660 ± 40 -26.0
Beta-202189 42EM761 UT 950 ± 40 -21.1
Beta-235068 42EM3315 UT 110 ± 60 -22.6
UGAMS-12219 42EM4261 UT 1050 ± 20 -9.5
UGAMS-12223 42EM4318m UT 980 ± 20 -10.3
UGAMS-3952 42EM3424 UT 958 ± 23 -10.63