SWCA 2017-Archaeological Investigations for the Sigurd to Red Butte No. 2 - 345kV Transmission Project

Samples that cite this reference

Lab number Site Province / State Normalized age δ13C (per mil)
Beta-423200 42BE1557 1680 ± 30 -11.2
Beta-423201 42BE1558 1410 ± 30 -24.6
Beta-423202 42BE3783 1430 ± 30 -11.7
Beta-423203 42BE3783 1900 ± 30 -11.7
Beta-423204 42SV2581 UT 6120 ± 30 -23.9
Beta-423205 42WS5746 2080 ± 30 -22.7
Beta-423206 42WS5748 3270 ± 30 -24.0
Beta-434210 42BE3783 3230 ± 30 -24.9
Beta-434211 42BE3783 1920 ± 30 -24.8